I’m in discussion with Glenn Buggy about workplace diversity. A subject that has become an increasingly hot topic over the past few years and yet still few companies really managed to fully incorporate diversity, let alone inclusion.

Glenn, a professional with a particular sense for judgement of talent, focuses both within his own firm and within his clients’ organizations, on tackling the issue, for long-term positive impact.

I’ll share short pieces of our discussion, per subject. This is the second.

Glenn, can you share with us what diversity means in today’s culture, according to you?

How diversity is defined varies across organizations. According to the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), diversity is the similarities and differences between individuals accounting for all aspects of one’s personality and individual identity. Diversity within a company provides the potential for greater innovation and creativity. Beyond the basics of age, color, ethnicity, gender, disability, religion, and sexual orientation you’re probably most familiar with, there are factors like veteran status, physical characteristics, language, neurological processing differences, and family status, to keep in mind as you proceed through the hiring process.

Inclusion is what enables organizations to realize the business benefits of this potential. Being inclusive is the extent to which each person in an organization feels welcomed, respected, supported and valued as a team member, according to SHRM.org.

What’s important to realize is that most men do want to lead by example and help drive gender and ethnic equality.  When you bring the entire workforce together to come up with a solution, you will inspire a better work environment, drive production and create an overall better experience for your organization.”

“Diversity and inclusion’s greatest value comes when it is embraced not only as a set of HR initiatives, but also as a holistic business program. Linking your strategy to include business, financial management leaders and influencers creates this connection that can ultimately deliver increased performance and financial value.”



Read more from Glenn.

Tags:  Glenn Buggy, Glenn M Buggy, Caldwell Partners, Talent Transforms, Financial Services Practice, Legal, Risk and Regulatory Oversight Practice, Caldwell’s Asset & Wealth Management Practice, Gen Z, Millennials, #GlennBuggy, #CaldwellPartners, Executive Search

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